OK - previously this has been a lighthearted blog, with posts of pictures of friends and co-workers. However, after watching the coverage of the aftermath of Katrina, there is one burning question that I have...
Where the heck is the assistance from the feds???
It's not like there has never been a hurricane strike before. It's not like there was some mystery about what would happen if a category 4 or above hurricane hit the New Orleans area... it has been clear for decades that this was an disaster waiting to happen. So, where was the planning? Where is the basic support that the Feds are supposed to be providing for our tax dollars?
There should have been an organized plan, in place, in the hours when the strike area was clear. Food, water, transportation, portable housing for tens of thousands, and so on should have been ready to go. What were they thinking? That this would not be as bad as Andrew?? Camille??
At first, I watched the coverage with awe at the power of nature and then sadness at the plight of the people caught in this disaster. However, as the
days passed, it has become clear that our federal disaster officials have no plan to deal with disasters until after they happen. It is a disgrace. Before war, our treasury should be invested in the safety and protection of the citizens. It is clear that our federal government is incompetent.