Sunday, March 05, 2006

Movies, schmoovies.
For years I have been hearing the claptrap about how the experience of watching a first-run movie in a theatre is going away and how sad that is.  The most recent paen to this idea is in the NYT today:
You know, for as long as I can remember (a long time, since the release of Clockwork Orange, at least),  the experience of watching a first run movie in a theatre as been the torture of waiting in line, uncomfortable "plush" seating, smelly disgusting theatres, loud and boorish fellow movie watchers, slimy and overpriced food.  Not a real draw for me.

So what's to miss?  The big screen and amazing sound!  And now, with the advent of wall-sized screens for the livingroom, I can watch the best of the best without feeling like I need to take a shower when I'm done.  

The only exception to this is watching "second run" movies as they come through the smaller classic venues (like the Cabot Theatre in Beverly, MA).  Now, that's a cinematic experience.
Interesting article about Sillerman's plans for Graceland and the Elvis image in the NYT today:

Makes one think about how the Elvis charm is wrapped around a kind of seedy kitsch - and whether the corporatization of it will make Elvis something other than what he is today.  Like, turning Elvis into Mickey Mouse.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Just testing the Google widget for Blogger posting...