Sunday, March 05, 2006

Interesting article about Sillerman's plans for Graceland and the Elvis image in the NYT today:

Makes one think about how the Elvis charm is wrapped around a kind of seedy kitsch - and whether the corporatization of it will make Elvis something other than what he is today.  Like, turning Elvis into Mickey Mouse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little late to be commenting..but since I just ran across this I had to put in a word.

I dreamt a funny dream some years ago. So funny that it woke laughter that is. I was walking through a corner had a fishing cat exibit. Really. Cats that lived under water. Not cat fish. Not the common South American fishing cats that fish for their supper. But real amphibean style mammal kitties...paws and fins to bootie. As soon as these cute little critters saw me they dissapeared into the sea weed floating above.
As I made my way through this greek architectural maze I found myself looking at a living portrait of the Black Stallion and Elvis. They both smiled and winked. What was so funny about that you wonder. It was finding the 200 year old antique Bonnie Bell Root Beer lip gloss in the pocket of an antique purse that I had bought at the gift shoppe. I was in a hover craft with some friends during this delightfull occurance. really, I did dream this.